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CBD Oil For Dogs Dose Calculator: Find The Right CBD Dosage For Your Pet

Healthy & happy dog after taking Organica Naturals CBD for Large Dogs up to 75 lbs

CBD oil for dogs is a natural hemp extract that’s non-toxic and safe for canine companions of any age, size, and breed.

Scientific research shows CBD for dogs is well-tolerated, and side effects are rare.

But hold your paws  — there are a few things you should know before you give CBD to your dog. So grab your faithful friend, and let’s explore the wonderful world of dog CBD.

In today’s article, we’ll show you how to calculate the correct CBD oil dog dose, discuss dog CBD safety, what to expect after giving your dog CBD, and much more!

Use the table of contents to jump to a specific topic or keep reading to get a dog’s eye view of CBD for canine companions.

Getting Started With CBD Oil For Dogs

First, let’s figure out how much CBD your dog needs every day before delving into the ins and outs of CBD oil for dogs.

Keep in mind it’s best to start low and go slow if you’ve never given your dog CBD before.

Often, less is more, and it’s much easier to find that Goldilocks zone when you gradually increase your dog’s CBD dose over time.

This is called titration, and it simply means adjusting and moderating your dog’s daily CBD dose until you find an amount that works best.

Ready to calculate the right CBD dose for your dog?

WOOF — err, great! Let’s get started.🐶

CBD Oil for Dogs Dose Calculator

It’s so easy to calculate the best CBD dose for your dog! Use the slider to configure your dog's weight, then choose the CBD dose strength your dog needs. Our dog CBD dose calculator will take care of the rest.


DIY: Use this Formula to Calculate Your Dog’s CBD Dose

Here’s a do-it-yourself method to calculate how much CBD to give your dog if you want to get more hands-on today.

How to Calculate Your Dog’s CBD Dose

Grab a pen and paper, and use this formula to calculate the best CBD dog dose based on your pup’s body weight:


Choose the CBD dose strength you think your dog needs to start:

  • Starter Dose
    0.25 mg of CBD per lb
  • Average Dose
    0.5 mg of CBD  per lb
  • Maximum Dose
    1.5 mg of CBD per lb

Generally speaking, 0.25 mg per pound (lb) of body weight is the ideal starting CBD dose for dogs of any size.

Most dogs take 0.5 mg CBD per pound of body weight on average.

The maximum strength CBD dose for a dog is 1.5 mg per pound.

Suggested CBD dosages for your dog are not meant to be veterinary advice. Talk to your vet before you give your dog CBD.

Dog CBD Dose Example Calculations

Let’s look at a few example calculations for dog breeds of different sizes requiring various CBD dosages strengths.

Our first example is Titan, a Teacup Chihuahua weighing in at a solid three pounds. He’s just beginning his CBD journey after his veterinarian recommended CBD. Titan is taking 250 mg Organica Naturals Micropet CBD Oil for small animals under ten pounds. It’s his first time taking CBD, so Titan will take the lowest effective dose to start.

Example #1:

Dog breed: Teacup Chihuahua
Dog weight: 3 lbs.
Dog dosage strength: Starting dose
Optimal dog dose calculation: [3 lbs] x [0.25 mg] = 0.75 mg of CBD recommended per dose

Next, we’ll figure out how much dog CBD to give Duke, a Chocolate Lab weighing 70 lbs. Duke has been taking the starting dose of 1000 mg Organica Naturals Pet CBD oil for the past week. His vet has given the go-ahead to increase Duke’s daily CBD dosage.

Example #2:

Dog breed: Labrador Retriever
Dog weight: 70 lbs.
Dog dosage strength: Average dose
Optimal dog dose calculation: [70 lbs] x [0.5 mg] = 35 mg of CBD recommended per dose

In our last example, we have Calypso. She’s a 10-year-old Great Dane that’s 140 lbs. of cuddles and smooches. Calypso takes 2500 mg Organica Naturals CBD oil for large dogs up to 150 lbs. Her vet has recommended the maximum daily CBD dog dose for Calypso’s needs.

Example #3:

Dog breed: Great Dane
Dog weight: 140 lbs.
Dog dosage strength: Maximum dose
Optimal dog dose calculation: [140 lbs] x [1.5 mg] = 210 mg of CBD recommended per dose

The key to getting the best CBD results for your dog is to start low and go slow.

Gradually increase your dog’s CBD dose. This is called titration, and it simply means adjusting and moderating your dog’s CBD dose until you find an amount that works best for your best friend.

Do not exceed the maximum daily dose unless your vet recommends otherwise.

What to Know Before Giving CBD to Your Dog

Make sure you read the product labels on your dog CBD oil to know how much is in a single serving.

A dog CBD tincture, for instance, might have 33 mg per dropper, while an edible CBD dog treat could have 10 mg per serving. Therefore, you would need three CBD dog treats to equal one dropperful serving of CBD tincture for dogs.

Don’t forget to track how often you give CBD doses to your dog, how much you administer, and what changes you observe.

These details are essential because they will help inform your decisions on dosage adjustments in the future. They will also provide valuable insight into your dog’s response to CBD.

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Key Takeaway

How much CBD oil you give your dog will depend on its body weight and specific needs. Use the CBD dog dose calculator to quickly and easily find the best CBD dose for your dog. Always start low and go slow. Jot down dosage amounts, frequency, and any changes you observe after giving CBD to your dog.

What is CBD Oil for Dogs?

CBD oil for dogs is a natural, non-psychoactive compound extracted from the cannabis plant. Cannabis has been used for centuries by humans and our pets.

Dogs are very similar to us in how they respond to CBD, so they can take it, too!

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It’s a major cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, meaning it’s the most predominant.

THC (a.k.a. Tetrahydrocannabinol) is another major cannabinoid found in cannabis. However, THC is only present in the tiniest of fractions in the hemp-based cannabis we use to formulate Organica Naturals dog CBD oil (less than 0.3% THC dry weight).

Other cannabinoids, like Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabigerol (CBG), and Cannabichromene (CBC) are also found in CBD oil.

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Key Takeaway

CBD oil for dogs is derived from hemp-based cannabis. It has only the tiniest amounts of THC, so it’s never psychoactive and cannot get your dog “high” or “stoned” no matter how much CBD you administer.

How Does CBD in Dogs Work?

The way CBD works in dogs is not all that different from people.

CBD is pharmacologically active. This allows it to interact with your dog’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates many of your pet’s vital bodily functions.

Dog CBD research shows that oral CBD-infused oil like Organica Naturals brand veterinary CBD is the most bioavailable compared to other popular forms of CBD. This means your pup gets more of the good stuff in each dose.

CBD oil for dogs works best when you follow these two guidelines:

  1. Choose a full spectrum CBD oil for dogs with a wide range of minor cannabinoids (e.g., CBN, CBG, CBC, and a very small amount of THC)
  2. Administer dog CBD with a meal to maximize absorption of the active ingredient Cannabidiol

Is CBD Oil for Dogs Safe?

Dog CBD oil safety studies like the ones reviewed by the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine at Colorado State University found CBD side effects in dogs were rarely reported.

The American Journal of Veterinary Research conducted its own dog CBD study that showed CBD-infused MCT oil was safe and well-tolerated by dogs after repeated administration for a month.

Does CBD in Dogs Cause Side Effects?

CBD side effects in dogs are rare when it is used as directed.

For example, according to current product usage statistics and adverse event reports, less than 0.5% of dogs may experience side effects after taking Organica Naturals CBD.

Typically, only the most sensitive dogs experience adverse reactions after being given CBD oil for dogs.

Side effects from dog CBD oil given internally may include the following:

  • Salivation
  • Increased thirst
  • Appetite changes
  • Gastrointestinal upset
  • Drowsiness
  • Sleepiness

When CBD side effects in dogs do occur, they are generally minor and transient.

The most common CBD side effect in dogs is excess salivation. This can occur when the salivary glands produce too much saliva as a response to the phytochemicals in dog CBD oil. As a result, you may notice increased thirst in your dog, so make sure to keep plenty of fresh, clean water in your dog’s bowl.

CBD in dogs may also affect appetite, causing an increase or decrease in hunger. However, appetite changes or GI upset are usually temporary and resolve on their own after a few days.

Drowsiness or sleepiness are other possible side effects your dog may experience after consuming CBD, especially if you are giving your dog high CBD doses or if your dog is sensitive to the effects of taking CBD.

Dog CBD oil side effects are dose-dependent, so it’s important to start low and go slow when your dog is first beginning CBD.

RELATED: How to find the best dog CBD dosage

Split the recommended CBD dose for your dog into two or more doses spread out over four to six hours if you notice any side effects.

Allergic reactions to CBD in dogs are uncommon. But you should speak with your veterinary professional if your dog has been diagnosed with any allergy to foods, plant-based medicines, or anything else in its environment.

You should not administer CBD oil if your dog is allergic to any of the ingredients.

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Key Takeaway

CBD is generally safe for most dogs when used as directed. Side effects are rare, but may include salivation, appetite changes, GI disturbances, drowsiness, or sleepiness. When they do occur, side effects are usually minor and transient. Split your dog’s dose into two or more doses if you observe side effects after giving CBD oil to your dog.

Best Full Spectrum CBD Oil For Dogs

The best full spectrum CBD oil for dogs comes from Organica Naturals.

We exclusively use whole-plant cannabis that’s flash-frozen immediately after it is harvested by hand.

Our raw frozen cannabis is processed using certified organic subzero extraction to protect the delicate plant medicines in the leaves and flowers — only the best for your best friend.

Your canine will love our USDA Certified Organic dog CBD because it tastes great!

You’ll love it because it’s bursting with essential minor cannabinoids, like Cannabinol (CBN), Cannabigerol (CBG), and Cannabichromene (CBC).

Research shows the more cannabinoids in your CBD, the better your dog’s experience.

RELATED: Shop vet-grade Organica Naturals CBD for dogs

Next, let’s explore another common question about CBD safety and dosage:

Is it possible for a dog to take too much CBD?

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Key Takeaway

Get the best CBD oil for dogs from the Organica Naturals brand. USDA-certified organic dog CBD is flash-frozen and extracted at subzero temperatures to get the most minor cannabinoids, including CBN, CBG, and CBC. In addition, organic certification ensures that our CBD for dogs is always 100% free from pesticides, harmful chemicals, or heavy metals.

How much CBD is too much for my dog?

When it comes to CBD for dogs, the most important consideration is the right dose.

Too much CBD may increase the chance of side effects, so staying within the recommended CBD dosage ranges for dogs is important.

But how do you know how much CBD is too much for your dog?

Factors That Determine The Right Dose

The amount of CBD oil you give your dog will depend on several factors, including age, weight, and overall needs.

You should consider the concentration of CBD in the product you’re using and what type of product it is (e.g., tincture or capsule). Read the product labels on your dog CBD oil to know how much CBD is in a single serving.

Keep track of how often you give CBD to your dog, how much CBD you administer, and what changes you observe. These details will help inform your decisions for dosage adjustments, as well as provide valuable insight into your dog’s response to CBD.

Start Low And Go Slow

Less is often more when giving CBD to your dog, so make sure you start low and go slow at first.

This process is called titration, and it simply means adjusting and moderating your dog’s daily CBD dose until you find an amount that works best.

You should increase your dog’s CBD dose over time until the desired response is achieved.

Do not exceed the maximum daily dose unless your vet recommends otherwise.

What Is Considered Too Much?

The maximum recommended CBD dose for dogs of any size is 1.5 mg per pound (lb) of body weight unless otherwise recommended by your veterinary professional.

“Too much dog CBD” is considered giving anything greater than the maximum recommended dose because doing so increases the potential for adverse reactions, including drowsiness, sleepiness, stomach upset, and digestive issues.

In certain instances, the benefits of giving your dog more than the recommended CBD dosage limit may outweigh the risk of potential side effects. Only your veterinary professional can help you decide.

Signs Of Overdose In Dogs

CBD is a forgiving natural medicine, which makes it very difficult for a dog to overdose. But it is possible to give your dog too much CBD if you ignore recommended usage instructions.

Always follow manufacturer guidelines to avoid any potential for CBD overdose.

You should also keep your dog’s CBD oil tightly closed and out of reach to make sure your pup doesn’t accidentally take too much.

Signs of CBD overdose in dogs may include extreme tiredness, lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Call your vet if you suspect your dog has consumed too much CBD.

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Key Takeaway

CBD overdose in dogs is not very likely if you follow product recommendations based on your dog’s weight. Start low and go slow when first giving CBD oil to your dog. The maximum recommended CBD dose for dogs of any size is 1.5 mg per pound (lb) of body weight. Signs of CBD overdose in dogs may include extreme tiredness, lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Call your vet if you suspect your dog has taken too much CBD.

CBD Oil For Dogs Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our FAQ for quick and easy answers to the most frequently asked questions about CBD oil for dogs.

Do you have a dog CBD oil question we haven’t answered? Chat with a CBD Wellness Advisor today.

Will Organica Naturals CBD oil cause side effects in dogs?

CBD side effects in dogs are extremely rare when Organica Naturals CBD is used as directed.

This is mainly because CBD is essentially non-toxic to dogs, and only the most sensitive dogs typically experience any adverse reaction to CBD.

Organica Naturals CBD usage statistics show less than one-half of one percent (<0.5%) of dogs may experience side effects after taking it. Side effects may include salivation, increased thirst, appetite changes, GI upset, drowsiness, and sleepiness.

What should I do if my dog experiences side effects after taking CBD?

CBD side effects are dose-dependent. Research shows low CBD doses are much less likely to cause side effects than high ones.

Split the recommended CBD dose for your dog into two or more doses spread out over four to six hours if you notice any of the commonly reported side effects.

You should contact your vet anytime you’re concerned about your pet’s health.

Do I need a prescription from my vet for CBD?

Over-the-counter CBD oil for dogs is a natural hemp extract that does not require a prescription from your veterinarian.

But you should still talk to your vet if you plan to add dog CBD oil or CBD dog treats to your pup’s diet. This is especially important if your dog is taking other prescribed medications or has been diagnosed with a serious health issue.

Where to Buy Quality CBD Oil for Dogs

You want your best friend to have the best, and so do we!

Buy USDA-certified organic CBD for dogs that you can trust from Organica Naturals brand.

Our organic CBD oil tinctures for veterinary use are manufactured in an FDA-registered, U.S. Hemp Authority Certified, and Non-GMO Project
verified facility to ensure transparent and verifiable premium quality with every batch.

Organic certification ensures that our CBD oil for dogs is 100% free from pesticides, harmful chemicals, or heavy metals.

We always verify the purity and potency of our organic dog CBD oil through third-party lab testing — just use your smartphone to scan the QR code on your bottle and view the latest test results for the formula you have in your hand.

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